Calvary Baptist Church

Full information about place Establishment and church "Calvary Baptist Church" at 10 Martin Luther King Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960. Find out the full address, phone number, opening hours, customer reviews, map and photos.


Establishment   Church  


10 Martin Luther King Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960
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Phone number:
+1 973-267-0136

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Reviews about Calvary Baptist Church

  • A Google User
    Oct, 01 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The people who attend that church are not a good example of their leader Jesus Christ. They have no compassion or love in their hearts for their neighbors as evidenced by the following behaviors: Every time that church has a gathering, I pay attention to the way they dress...the women and young girls wear skimpy clothing...short skirts and shoes that cause them to wobble when they walk....from the outside looking in, I realy believe they are secretly competing against each other. The streets surrounding that church are always crowded with cars making it extremely hazardous to navigate through. I always wonder how do the residents of those streets manage during those hours that the church is in secession.-- must be very difficult for them. It just seem wrong on every level that a church would allow its members to behave in this disrespect the community that most of them don't even live in. Where is your leadership Calvary Baptist.
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